💥 Bulletproof your shoulder(附中文)
“ Prehab Exercises”
👨🏻‍⚕️ Moderate rehab exercise is the best way to bulletproof your shoulder and to fill ‘ the hole in your rotator cuff’ . Often times patients get scared away by terms clinicians use. Yet we can do a better job at reframing these terms. After all, ‘ a hole in the shoulder’ is like a tear in the muscle. It heals !
📌 I am strongly against the idea of training the rotator cuff isolated. Since the rotator cuff works collectively to provide shoulder joint stability. By no means we should do more isolated cable external rotation or even cable shoulder rotations. Instead we work all of the together
📌 Patients keep coming in to complain of their shoulder pain doing this and that movement in the gym. But what they are not aware of is how important warm-up is. And by warm-up I mean literally doing dynamic stability exercises. Not using just the bar or lighter dumbbells and doing the same exercise movement. So here is a great one to try:
✅ Find a 5-8lbs medicine ball
✅ Start from a tall-kneeling position
✅ Injured hand holds the medicine ball high with elbow flexed
✅ Gently tap and dribble on the wall and bounce back
✅ A set of 20-30s
✅ Switch to a basketball if the loading is too much
🗝 Progress to standing if the exercise feel a bit easy. Make sure you do quality and clean reps. Rehab exercises is all about consistency . Not the more the faster the recovery is
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👨🏻‍⚕️ 上次我們有講到肩膀破洞到底是怎麼一回事,今天來看看如果醫師說你肩膀有破洞,可以做什麼運動來訓練自己的肩膀
📌 我個人不建議把旋轉肌分開來訓練,因為旋轉肌不會分開工作,而是一起工作,他們的功能是保護肩關節還有增加肩關節的穩定度
📌 肌腱破洞,或什麼破洞,這種用詞很常會嚇到病人,常會讓病人覺得問題很嚴重,覺得自己不會好。其實針對旋轉肌做適當的治療運動訓練,破洞的狀況是可以改善的。以下運動就可以幫助改善破洞的狀況:
✅ 找一個約2-4公斤的藥球
✅ 從高跪姿開始
✅ 患側手肩關節上舉手肘微彎,藥球在患側手上預備
✅ 輕輕將藥球往牆壁來回拍打
✅ 一組20-30秒
✅ 藥球可以換籃球降低難度
🗝 運動治療是物理治療最重要的一環。缺乏了運動治療,受傷的軟組織無法回到原本的適應力,正確的執行治療運動,才是治本之道
❤️ 標記你肩膀痛的好朋友 分享到限時動態再標記我
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