💥啊秋吧骨折“術後運動”-手臂摔角(arm wrestling),又稱「阿秋吧」(台灣)或「拗手瓜」(香港),是一個比腕力、手力及臂力的運動 ,兩方先面對面坐著,在桌上固定手肘的位置後互相緊扣對方的手腕,先將對方的手臂壓倒,就算是贏了。這看似簡單的運動,其實也很容易會受傷,甚至骨折-在肘關節跟肩關節都固定的狀況下,上臂骨(肱骨)的近端會因為肩胛下肌跟胸大肌的收縮產生往內的扭轉力,相反的在遠端,會產生一個往外轉的扭力。當這旋轉的扭力大於骨頭能承受的剛性,就可能導致螺旋性骨折-骨折後最適當的處理方式一定是找骨科醫師,由骨科醫師診斷骨折的嚴重度、是否需要動手術以及要用什麼方式來固定骨頭,以促進癒合-當骨頭癒合,拆線後便是物理治療介入的時候。利用適當的負重運動,刺激骨母細胞生長,增加骨頭的密度與剛性。以下是我給 @kenlee1018的兩項運動-✅ Walking Shoulder Plank✅ Overhead Tricep Extension(Prone)[video width="720" height="720" mp4="https://esenmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/85439360_540653323217249_8570524000577887170_n.mp4"][/video][video width="720" height="720" mp4="https://esenmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/85649519_136981807795172_4753678571459248146_n.mp4"][/video]物理治療其實跟健身訓練有異曲同工之妙,差別在於身體功能的限制,了解特定病理,再給適當的運動,讓病人了解Load(負重)跟Capacity(能力)的概念。想知道更多Load(負重)跟Capacity(能力)的概念,請留意下一次的發文-📩 需要預約治療 / 十字韌帶術後訓練,請先填寫個人首頁的預約表單,或追蹤 @aclclubtpe留意最新訊息————————————————————💥Arm Wrestling Fracture“Post-op rehab exercises”-Arm wrestling is a common sport to showcase your arm strength on a Friday night. But who would have thought one can fracture a bone in arm wrestling-The upper arm bone, the humerus, is placed under immense torsional stress during an arm wrestles. The shoulder is being turned in(internal rotation) by the pectoralis and the subscapularis. On the distal end the bone is being turned the opposite direction-If the amount of torsional stress exceeds the stiffness of the bone, it breaks in spiral fashion. Multiple weeks of rehab is expected with lots of exercises to load the bone in sub-maximal stress to stimulate osteoblast growth. Here are two exercises I gave to @kenlee1018-✅ Walking Shoulder Plank✅ Overhead Tricep Extension(Prone)Physical therapy has a lot in common with personal training. Loading the tissue. But how much can we load and how do we load within physical limitations and pathological changes separates physical therapy from personal training. Graded loading is safe and provides reference for practitioners to grasp how much progress our patients have made. For more on this topic, make sure you check out the next post. #jamesthephysiosigning out