💥單腳動作控制訓練“物理治療師的概念“-🏋🏻‍♂️ 深蹲,硬舉,健身房的訓練動作,大多都是雙腳踩在地上發力,很少會訓練到平衡,特別是單腳的平衡。作為物理治療師,常常會有人問我的訓練的菜單是什麼,好奇我的訓練是不是也是推拉腿循環,或是一天練胸一天練背-🎯 我訓練的方式是70%肌肥大,30%動作訓練。我不太喜歡用功能性訓練這個字,功能性這字眼常常有誤導成份,好像是很新很厲害的東西,其實運動沒好壞之分,也不會因為這運動是功能性所以效果比別人好。那什麼是動作訓練,我的概念是,如果你訓練的目的是為了健康、外形好看,而不是為了要比賽,那訓練總不能只做固定式、單關節、單一運動平面的動作,還要包括日常生活的動作訓練,像走樓梯、拿重物、推東西,平衡訓練,單腳平衡訓練,動作鏈發動訓練。等等在英文都叫作”Prehab”,rehab是復健的意思,”p”就是”preventative”,或前置詞”pre”的意思,那”Prehab”就代表預防傷害的運動,也就是物理治療會做的治療運動-✅ 影片的訓練我選擇用Y-bell,做一個後跨步上推,接單腳羅馬尼亞硬舉,訓練左腳單腳的穩定性。我個人是覺得Y-bell沒壺鈴好用,看官網宣稱是啞鈴、壺鈴、藥球的合體。壺鈴的優點是重量在壺底,在擺盪的時候,壺鈴與身體的距離增加,更能感覺到壺鈴的重量。相反Y-bell沒錯是比較方便,中間的握把能當啞鈴,可是卻失去了壺底的重量-[video width="720" height="720" mp4="https://esenmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/84531635_245393846467296_8440827915246086782_n.mp4"][/video]💯 趕快試試看做這個運動,訓練單腳的穩定性—————————————————————————💥 Single-leg movement“How does a physio trains himself”-🏋🏻‍♂️ Single-leg movement is one of the most neglected type of exercises. Unlike deadlifts, squats, single-leg movements challenge proprioceptive feedback of your reflexes and rotational stability, and apart from muscle hypertrophy in my training program, it takes about 30% of my weekly routine-🎯 I use the word movement training rather than “functional” training. “Functional” gives a false image of something new, or better, than what we used to call deadlifts and squats-💯 What I call movement training is merely balance, proprioception, whole body exercises instead of just doing isolated, single-planar movements like bicep curls-✅ Here in this video is my first time using a Y-bell. Y-bell has the benefit of a grip handle like a dumbbell. But the downside is the weight of the equipment is not centered at the bottom like a kettlebell, which increases demand of body stabilization when the kettlebell is further away from the body- #jamesthephysiosigning out #physicaltherapy #exercise #physio #injury #recovery #fitness #taiwan #asia #performance #workout #movement #chiro #physiotherapy #rehab #dpt #prehab #workout #functionalfitness #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #personaltraining #物理治療 #運動醫學 #動作訓練 #復健訓練