💥ACL rehab exercise(附中文)
“Single-Leg Landing”
⛹🏻‍♂️ The quality of single-leg landing is one of the most important return-to-sport benchmark of ACLR. This single-leg test includes the height, distance and repetitions and the ability to absorb shock during landing. If your goal is to return to the court playing a basketball game, it is recommended that strength and conditioning training should be a part of your rehab regime, other than just doing heavy squats and running
🦵🏻 With the use of non-reactive medicine ball, this exercise guides the torso, knee and the shoulders to be aligned in a perfect landing position. Such explosive and ballistic type of action should be incorporated at the 6-9 month benchmark. And I shall reiterate the importance of following a comprehensive protocol by not jumping into the practice of rotational or ballistic movements, even though you have a faster recovery comparatively, as it raises the risk of re-tear in the return-to-sport phase
📊 Grindem and colleagues pointed out that among 106 athletes who returned to sport 9 months afterACLR, the risk of re-injury is at 39%, and that percentage is dropped to 19% if they were to return after 9 months of ACLR

⛹🏻‍♂️ 想回到運動場上其中一個很重要的標準是單腳跳的測試,這項測試包含了單腳跳的高度、距離、次數,跟單腳著地的品質。十字韌帶受傷後常常會有「受傷那腳跟好腳差很多」、「受傷那腳很不穩」的狀況。如果你的目標是要回到運動場上,建議在術後5個月時開始進行專項運動肌力體能訓練,光靠著一般跑步或深蹲,對於「練膝蓋」來說可能會不夠
📊 根據 Grindem 學者在2016年針對106個運動員做的研究指出,重建術後9個月內回到運動場上重斷的機率是39%,術後9個月再回到運動場上重斷的機率是19%
📌 除非你要趕在賽季前回到球隊訓練,否則還是乖乖做物理治療和訓練,以避免再斷的風險增加。動完手術在家休息,佛系恢復的觀念已經過時。要回到運動場上,開刀後諮詢物理治理師,或受過臨床專業訓練人士的意見,來進行適當強度的復健運動
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