💥 Posture correction exercising is not Physical Therapy(附中文)
“Movement is the problem”
😶 Often times I get messages in an inquiry to correct their posture, anterior pelvic tilting, or leg length discrepancy, told by their physicians that these are the sources of your pain. Nowadays we get brainwashed by information on the Internet for what BAD posture been demonized for. NO I don’t do corrective exercises only, instead I do physical therapy to correct movement
💡 One example is round shoulder. Round shoulder is a faulty posture with misplacement of the scapula that pre-disposes the shoulder joint to impingement issues. And it happens when the shoulder is raised rather than round shoulder being the problem itself. Should round shoulder be corrected even if pain is not present? Or should we take pills even though we are not inflicted by diseases?
🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️ Corrective exercises is part of physical therapy but not all of it. I trust the professionalism of personal trainers to correct bad posture as preventative medicine. But by no means we as physios are doing the same thing as trainers. Human body is an integrative organism, posture is a static figure. We should focus on correcting movement disorders. Instead of branding a posture correction specialist with a physical therapy background
😶 「請問肩膀歪斜、骨盆高低,醫師說我有長短腳要矯正多久」每次聽到有人跟我說這個我便回答「請問你有疼痛嗎,這會影響你的睡眠、日常生活、工作、運動嗎」物理治療很常會處理跟疼痛相關的問題,像站起來膝蓋會痛,手抬起來卡住不舒服,或手術後的疼痛都可以處理。那沒有疼痛,只是外觀不對稱,肌肉一邊大一邊小,這樣適合做物理治療嗎,或應該問的是,做矯正運動就會好了嗎
🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️ 圓肩,或高低肩,姿勢不良透過健身教練教你的矯正運動,把背肌練起來,慢慢會改善。矯正運動並沒有限制誰能做誰不能做,如果評估後是有需要的,物理治療也會做。可是,物理治療師,並不是專門做矯正的專業人士,坊間很多矯正專家,可以先拜訪他們

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