💥🎃Stronger shoulder
“ all about the rotator cuff”
Shoulder pressing 100 KG is not strong unless you can stay injury free. Having strong rotator cuff is 🔑 in staying away from tendinopathy, tendon rupture or shoulder dislocation injuries
Now especially if you like to lift weights overhead, clean and jerks, snatches, building that strong shoulder allows you to control the weight better by mitigating the risk of miscatch
👉🏻 The band adds adduction resistance at full range flexion which activates peri-scapular musculature. Such exercise is a great warm-up for olympic lifters or just general upper body training
Recommended to do 3x10.
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👉🏻 彈力帶增加肩關節在屈曲時的穩定度,刺激肩胛骨周邊的肌肉收縮。如果只是一般的上肢訓練,這也是一個不錯的訓練動作
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